TELECOM Digest OnLine - Sorted: How Do I Do Something to Phone Solicitation People?

How Do I Do Something to Phone Solicitation People?

Nehmo (
2 Nov 2006 20:57:57 -0800

Someone *identifying himself* as "Mike" from called me to sell me a $49.95 TV satellite
dish installation. They call at random times and frequency, but it
seems to be about two calls per day, usually in the evening. I've
politely told them to take me off their list several times. It doesn't
work, of course.

The calls start with a recorded pitch, and then a prompt will lead you
to a live person sometimes. If the call leads to a live person, I
always repeat my request. They're seldom polite in return.
Apparently, they've been instructed to hang up immediately if someone
questions them. I don't have caller ID, but I'm sure nothing will show
up. However, today, Mike, who thought he was making a sale and was
just about to get my card number, gave me 949 295 4344 . Unless,
they're using a VoIP area code or some spoof, the phone is in Irvine or Laguna Beach. Considering
the voicemail prompt, I think it's his own personal cellphone.

If you call the number, you may get him. Go ahead. But usually I just
get his voice mail. I use Skype to call him, but all the calls from
them to my home have been to my AT&T land line. Anyway, I don't know
who these people are. Probably, they are simply an operation to steal
credit card numbers.

Yes, I realize, I could pay AT&T a few extra bucks and block calls
without ID, but that would be incurring a cost and this company would
still be harassing, and stealing from, other people. Does anybody
have any suggestions on how to proceed to do something to this

Call them at 949 295 4344. I got an idea. I'm going to post the number
to some porn groups.

How do I find out what phone company 949 295 4344 belongs to? This
question is why I crossposted to news:comp.dcom.telecom

(||) Nehmo (||)

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