TELECOM Digest OnLine - Sorted: Re: FSK Signal For Voicemail on MCI

Re: FSK Signal For Voicemail on MCI

Fred Atkinson (
Tue, 16 Aug 2005 05:08:31 -0400

As long as you talk to their customer service people, they won't know,
either. That's the norm for most companies these days.

I've long since lost count of how many times customer service and even
technical support people have given me bad information. It's really
pretty sad.

I wrote an article for the local computer club in Columbia, SC a
couple of years ago. I entitled it, 'Customer Service, an oxymoron'.
The editor of the newsletter changed the title to 'Is Customer Service
an oxymoron' (he did it without telling me. I would've objected to
the change if I had had an opportunity before he published it). It
detailed some of my experiences and pointed out that these companies
are hiring entry level people to keep costs down.

The telephone, cable, and other high tech companies are hiring lost
cost people due to the state of the economy over the last few years.
A number of experienced people have been practically unable to get a
position during this time. They are told they are 'overqualified'
when they apply. But, the folks they hire are underqualified. And
they don't do an adquate job of training the ones they do hire. The
truth is, these companies don't want to pay for experience right now.

I am frequently given bad information when I talk to these folks. And
when I point out the error of their ways, they insist they could not
possibly be wrong. Yet, when I pursue the matter on my own, I
generally prove them to be wrong.

Sad, but true.

Fred Atkinson

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