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The Telecom Digest for December 31, 2011
====== 30 years of TELECOM Digest -- Founded August 21, 1981 ====== | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Telecom and VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Digest for the
Internet. All contents here are copyrighted by Bill Horne and
the individual writers/correspondents. Articles may be used in other
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Addresses herein are not to be added to any mailing list, nor to be sold or given away without the explicit written consent of the owner of that address. Chain letters, viruses, porn, spam, and miscellaneous junk are definitely unwelcome. We must fight spam for the same reason we fight crime: not because we are naive enough to believe that we will ever stamp it out, but because we do not want the kind of world that results when no one stands against crime. - Geoffrey Welsh See the bottom of this issue for subscription and archive details and the name of our lawyer, and other stuff of interest. |
Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2011 03:29:05 +0000 (UTC) From: wollman@bimajority.org (Garrett Wollman) To: telecomdigestmoderator.remove-this@and-this-too.telecom-digest.org. Subject: Re: Verizon backs down Message-ID: <jdlvi1$2hpa$1@grapevine.csail.mit.edu> In article <alpine.BSF.2.00.1112301757350.82848@joyce.lan>, Bill Horne writes: >This incident is the latest in a decades long series of mitakes that >make me wonder if the most important skill the poo-bahs at Verizontal >posess is the ability to hide their mistakes. Of course it is -- and at nearly every other public company in the world. *That's how you get to be a senior executive.* -GAWollman -- Garrett A. Wollman | What intellectual phenomenon can be older, or more oft wollman@bimajority.org| repeated, than the story of a large research program Opinions not shared by| that impaled itself upon a false central assumption my employers. | accepted by all practitioners? - S.J. Gould, 1993
Date: Fri, 30 Dec 2011 11:39:04 -0800 (PST) From: Tom Horne <hornetd@gmail.com> To: telecomdigestmoderator.remove-this@and-this-too.telecom-digest.org. Subject: Verizon Wireless to charge fee to pay bill. Message-ID: <537c8dbc-0f70-422e-805e-a2ed2a752444@u6g2000vbc.googlegroups.com> Verizon wireless has announced that it will charge a two dollar fee to wireless customers who pay their bill by credit card. This is essentially a fine for not paying by electronic funds transfer, for which you pay the fee instead of Verizon. I called them and was told that since my family has "One Bill", where we pay our FIOS and cellular bill as a single payment, that this fee would not apply to us, but the unspoken extra words were "for now". Verizon isn't the first company to get in a pissing contest with credit card companies over merchant credit card fees. Obviously they do not believe that they should have to incur any costs in collecting money from their customers. Automatic bill paying is the only way to avoid incurring the fee unless you pay by check or cash. If you've experienced the wait for service in a Verizon store you know how impractical paying by cash is. Of course the store does have a self serve kiosk were you can pay your bill with a debit card, but I don't know if it charges the foreign customer fee that ATMs charge. I also do not know if it will incur the foreign ATM charge from your home bank. If it is just an automated merchant collection process then you will ONLY incur your banks transaction fee for using your debit card. The obvious remedy is to pay by check in order to shift the cost back to Verizon in a really big way. If they think the bank fees on Merchant transactions are steep wait until they have to process thousands of paper checks that state banking laws forbid fees on. -- Tom Horne
Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2011 01:41:03 +0000 (UTC) From: danny burstein <dannyb@panix.com> To: telecomdigestmoderator.remove-this@and-this-too.telecom-digest.org. Subject: old NY Telephone HQ, was: Verizon backs down Message-ID: <jdlp7f$l3l$1@reader1.panix.com> [snip] >***** Moderator's Note ***** >Again and again and again, from trying to deploy an MDS system in >hilly Boston suburbs, to demanding that IS professionals with decades >of experience in COBOL and PL/I learn "C" almost overnight, to >laughable forays into the retail world, Ma Bell's missteps are >legendary. Yet, the executives at 1095 A/A keep trying to outdo each >other in their endless search for a father figure who will tell them to >stop playing and get to work. It's been a bunch of years since the various incarnations of the NY area telephone companies had their mainoffices on Sixth Avenue [a]. (They still have some switching equipment at that location, and might have a bit of office space, but everything else is long gone). [a] called "Avenue of the Americas" by real estate folk and naive furriners... ah: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1095_Avenue_of_the_Americas -- _____________________________________________________ Knowledge may be power, but communications is the key dannyb@panix.com [to foil spammers, my address has been double rot-13 encoded]
Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2011 08:10:10 -0800 (PST) From: Wes Leatherock <wleathus@yahoo.com> To: telecomdigestmoderator.remove-this@and-this-too.telecom-digest.org. Subject: Re: old NY Telephone HQ, was: Verizon backs down Message-ID: <1325347810.73123.YahooMailClassic@web111704.mail.gq1.yahoo.com> --- On Fri, 12/30/11, danny burstein <dannyb@panix.com> wrote: > It's been a bunch of years since the various incarnations of the NY > area telephone companies had their mainoffices on Sixth Avenue > [a]. (They still have some switching equipment at that location, and > might have a bit of office space, but everything else is long gone). > [a] called "Avenue of the Americas" by real estate folk and naive > furriners... Having been with Southwestern Bell, not NY Telephone, I had no idea where that company had its headquarters, but having visited NY several times for the then AT&T I could tell you its headquarters were at 195 Broadway (usually just "195") and Long Lines headquarters were at 32 Avenue ot the Americas (the only place I ever heard of that gave its address as "Avenue of the Americas," almost everyone else gave their address as "Sixth Avenue." I would suggest most of the things our esteemed moderator suggested originated at "195" (Broadway), not at a single regional AT&T subsidiary. Wes Leatherock wleathus@yahoo.com wesrock@aol.com ***** Moderator's Note ***** OK, from now on I'll list Verizon's address as 1 Pretentious Place Valhalla, NY ... in the hopes that readers stop confusing a building with what happens inside it! Bill Horne Moderator
Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2011 11:58:36 -0500 From: Bill Horne <bill@horneQRM.net> To: telecomdigestmoderator.remove-this@and-this-too.telecom-digest.org. Subject: A trip down memory lane Message-ID: <jdnevt$rsi$1@dont-email.me> Thanks to the olduse.net nntp server, I'm able to bring you this message from the first days of the digest, more than thirty years ago. - - - - - - - - - >From geoff Fri Aug 28 22:50:38 1981 Communications between the UUCP network (Usenet, UUCPnet) and the ARPAnet have been partially automated for the POLI-SCI and TELECOM mailing lists. If you are reading this message, you are a UUCPnet reader of one of these lists. If you wish to SUBMIT an article to either digest, send it to ...!ucbvax!telecom or ...!ucbvax!poli-sci You must include in the text of your letter: (1) Your UUCPnet mailing address from ucbvax (if a ucbvax user were to want to mail you a letter, what would your address be) and (2) Your real name and affiliation If you (a UUCPnet user) wish to PERSONALLY RESPOND to an article in either digest which was submitted by an ARPAnet user, send your letter to ...!ucbvax!telecom-link or ...!ucbvax!poli-sci-link and include the ARPAnet recipient's network mail address at the beginning of the letter. [This will be intercepted on ucbvax by a real person, currently the undersigned; communications unrelated to the mailing list will not be forwarded.] If someone on the ARPAnet wishes to personally respond to an article which you have submitted to a digest, they will do so by mailing a letter to CSVAX.telecom-link@Berkeley or CSVAX.poli-sci-link@Berkeley and must include the UUCPnet mailing address of the intended recipient (i.e., you) at the beginning of the letter. [Again, this traffic will be intercepted by a person on ucbvax, and will not be forwarded unless the communications relates to the mailing list.] Thank you in advance for your adherence to the protocol given above. Geoff Peck (ARPAnet: geoff@Berkeley) (UUCPnet: ...!ucbvax!geoff) [current {telecom,poli-sci}-link coordinator] - - - - - - - (If anyone knows the original administrator or Mr Peck's current status and whereabouts, please pass them along.) Bill -- Bill Horne (Remove QRM from my address to write to me directly)
Date: 31 Dec 2011 15:48:01 -0600 From: "Paul W. Schleck" <pschleck@novia.net> To: telecomdigestmoderator.remove-this@and-this-too.telecom-digest.org. Subject: Re: A trip down memory lane Message-ID: <4eff829a$0$33467$540ea2cf@novia.net> In <jdnevt$rsi$1@dont-email.me> Bill Horne <bill@horneQRM.net> writes: [...] >(If anyone knows the original administrator or Mr Peck's current status >and whereabouts, please pass them along.) >Bill Bill, I'm sorry to report that Geoff Peck appears to no longer be alive. According to these links, he died in a plane crash in 2006: http://k0lee.com/2008/07/remembering-geoff-peck/ http://www.airtalk.org/geoff-peck-so-long-vt72842.html [Moderator snip] -- Paul W. Schleck pschleck@novia.net http://www.novia.net/~pschleck/ Finger pschleck@novia.net for PGP Public Key
Date: 1 Jan 2012 03:40:25 -0000 From: "John Levine" <johnl@iecc.com> To: telecomdigestmoderator.remove-this@and-this-too.telecom-digest.org. Subject: Re: A trip down memory lane Message-ID: <20120101034025.56059.qmail@joyce.lan> >>(If anyone knows the original administrator or Mr Peck's current status >>and whereabouts, please pass them along.) Geoff was a high school friend of mine, and an experienced private pilot. Sad to say, he died in a freak plane accident on his way back from the Oshkosh plane show. We all miss him. R's, John
Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2011 21:55:21 -0500 From: Telecom Digest Moderator <redacted@invalid.telecom.csail.mit.edu> To: telecomdigestmoderator.remove-this@and-this-too.telecom-digest.org. Subject: A look back at 2011 Message-ID: <pe46AD.A.lpG.0_8_OB@telecom> Well, it's that time of year again, and I've been going over the statistics from The Telecom Digest for 2011. There have been some surprises, and I'll share a few thoughts about them and about the direction The Telecom Digest will take during 2012. Perhaps the biggest surprise was realizing that I haven't done a good job of encouraging new readers to contribute: I looked at the number of posts from each author, and was surprised to find that a handful of contributors had sent in the lion's share of posts. I'm going to be actively promoting contributions from new authors and from those who have been less active in the past. Toware that end, I'm going to seek feedback from the readers on a regular basis; I'll be putting out a survey in the next couple of days that will give the readers a chance to tell me their opinions, both on the things they like or don't like about the Digest, and on my performance as Moderator. I'm hopeful that it will be a productive way to gain insights into the topics that we need to emphasize, and the areas that aren't as important to the readers as I'd thought. Lastly, I will be making some technical changes at the Digest, both in response to readers' suggestions and to my own. These enhancements will allow me to spend less time on "administrivia" and more on actually moderating. I hope you all have a happy and productive new year. Bill Horne Moderator
Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2011 21:55:38 -0500 From: Telecom Digest Moderator <redacted@invalid.telecom.csail.mit.edu> To: telecomdigestmoderator.remove-this@and-this-too.telecom-digest.org. Subject: Year-end statistics - word count Message-ID: <J1WbM.A._pG.0_8_OB@telecom> Here's a list of words that showed up in Subject: lines from the posts that were published in the digest during 2011. It's not all-inclusive, since many obvious deletions (in, at, there, we, etc.) had to be made. I've combined some figures to avoid ambiguity: "phone" and "phones", for example, were counted together. Sometimes, I left "close" words alone, since, e.g., "telephone" and "telephony" might not cover the same ground. This is columnar data, and best viewed with a fixed-width font. 2011 Subject lines word counts (3 or more occurances) 83 PHONE 11 SMARTPHONE 6 HISTORY 51 IPHONE 11 SYSTEM 6 IPAD 48 APPLE 11 VOICE 6 NETWORK 35 AT&T 11 WEB 6 PATENT 28 NEW 10 CABLE 6 POWER 27 CELL 10 CODE 6 SUPPORT 26 VERIZON 10 MERGER 6 TELCO 23 IOS 10 PAY 6 TEXTING 22 DATA 10 TELEPHONE 6 TRAFFIC 21 MOBILE 10 TRACK 6 VOIP 21 T-MOBILE 9 COMCAST 5 APP 18 FCC 9 INTERNET 5 BART 18 SERVICE 9 NUMBERS 5 BREACH 18 U.S. 8 CARD 5 CANADA 16 CELLPHONE 8 CARRIER 5 CELLULAR 16 SECURITY 8 TEXT 5 CENTURYLINK/QWEST 16 UPDATE 7 COURT 5 LAW 15 LIGHTSQUARED 7 FACEBOOK 5 LOOKING 14 CALLS 7 OUTAGE 5 LOST 14 SOFTWARE 7 PRIVACY 5 MAIL 13 GOOGLE 7 SIM 5 POLICE 12 GPS 7 TECHNOLOGY 5 SEARCH 12 JOBS 7 WORLD 5 SIRI 12 USERS 6 FUTURE 5 SPAM 12 WIRELESS 6 HACKER 5 STUDY 5 TECHNICAL 4 NEUTRALITY 3 HELP 5 THREAT 4 PORN 3 JAILBREAKING 5 TOWER 4 RADIO 3 MOTOROLA 5 TV 4 SEXTING 3 NEWS 4 AMERICA 4 SPECTRUM 3 NORTEL 4 ANDROID 4 SPRINT 3 NYC 4 ANNOYANCE 4 SUPREME 3 OBAMA 4 APPS 4 SYSTEMS 3 OPTIC 4 BATTERY 4 VIDEO 3 PLAN 4 BID 3 ADVISORY 3 POLICY 4 BILLING 3 ALARM 3 RATES 4 BLACKBERRY 3 ALERT 3 RING 4 BROADBAND 3 BELL 3 RSA 4 BSTJ 3 CANCER 3 RULES 4 CASES 3 CENTURYLINK 3 SERVICES 4 CONGRESS 3 CHILDREN 3 SKYPE 4 FIBER 3 COMMUNICATIONS 3 SMARTPHONES 4 FIGHT 3 DISRUPTED 3 SMS 4 FLASH 3 DSL 3 SOCIAL 4 FRAUD 3 EMERGENCY 3 SONY 4 HACK 3 FAILURE 3 SOPA 4 MEDIA 3 FAQ 3 STUXNET 4 MESSAGING 3 FEDERAL 3 SWITCHING 4 NET 3 FIRM 3 TABLET 3 TELEGRAPH 3 TONE 3 TOOLS 3 UNIVERSAL 3 UNLIMITED 3 WAR 3 WI-FI 3 WORM I hope all the Telecom Digest readers a happy and prosperous 2012. Bill Horne Moderator
Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2011 22:04:40 -0500 From: Telecom Digest Moderator <telecomdigestmoderator.remove-this@and-this-too.remove.telecom-digest.org> To: telecomdigestmoderator.remove-this@and-this-too.telecom-digest.org. Subject: Year-end statistics: those who posted 10 or more times Message-ID: <8tlbxB.A.JpG.0_8_OB@telecom.csail.mit.edu> As part of my year-end analysis of the Digest's stats, I've compiled a list of those who posted to The Telecom Digest ten or more times during 2011. I've removed email address, since some of them have changed, and I have combined some figures for those who changed their name during the year. Any errors or ommissions are my fault. This is columnar data, and best viewed with a fixed-width font. Bill P.S. Thanks to Danny Burstein for proofreading! Messages Author 2271 Total 273 Monty Solomon 186 HAncock4 133 David Clayton 102 John Mayson 82 John Levine 80 Robert Bonomi 78 tlvp 73 Wes Leatherock 73 Adam H. Kerman 65 Sam Spade 63 Bill Horne 50 Scott Dorsey 48 AES 46 danny burstein 40 Fred Atkinson 38 T 34 Joseph Singer 30 Pete Cresswell 29 Thad Floryan 27 Neal McLain 26 Geoffrey Welsh 23 Dave Garland 23 David Lesher 23 Thor Lancelot Simon 20 Gary 18 Garrett Wollman 18 Doug McIntyre 16 Eric Tappert 16 Michael Moroney 15 David Scheidt 14 Mark J. Cuccia 14 Steven 13 Richard 12 Bob Goudreau 12 Fred Goldstein 11 John David Galt 11 Matt Simpson 10 Rob Warnock -- Bill Horne 339-364-8487
TELECOM Digest is an electronic journal devoted mostly to telecom- munications topics. It is circulated anywhere there is email, in addition to Usenet, where it appears as the moderated newsgroup 'comp.dcom.telecom'. TELECOM Digest is a not-for-profit, mostly non-commercial educational service offered to the Internet by Bill Horne. All the contents of the Digest are compilation-copyrighted. You may reprint articles in some other media on an occasional basis, but please attribute my work and that of the original author. The Telecom Digest is moderated by Bill Horne.
Contact information: |
Bill Horne Telecom Digest 43 Deerfield Road Sharon MA 02067-2301 863-455-9426 bill at horne dot net |
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This Digest is the oldest continuing e-journal about telecomm- unications on the Internet, having been founded in August, 1981 and published continuously since then. Our archives are available for your review/research. We believe we are the oldest e-zine/mailing list on the internet in any category! URL information: http://telecom-digest.org Copyright (C) 2011 TELECOM Digest. All rights reserved. Our attorney is Bill Levant, of Blue Bell, PA.
Finally, the Digest is funded by gifts from generous readers such as yourself who provide funding in amounts deemed appropriate. Your help is important and appreciated. A suggested donation of fifty dollars per year per reader is considered appropriate. See our address above. Please make at least a single donation to cover the cost of processing your name to the mailing list. All opinions expressed herein are deemed to be those of the author. Any organizations listed are for identification purposes only and messages should not be considered any official expression by the organization.