TELECOM Digest OnLine - Sorted: Re: Time Warner Digital Phone Question

Re: Time Warner Digital Phone Question

Curtis R Anderson (
Fri, 01 Jun 2007 22:19:01 -0400

Jax wrote:

> Also, in our division at least, the service goes out A LOT. It is not
> the most reliable to say the least ... You'd be amazed at how much we,
> as a culture, have come to assume that when you pick up the phone
> there will always be a dialtone. If you have gotten Digital Phone,
> please leave that notion at the door ... and try not to get too
> frustrated with Tech Support -- they're there to help ... If the service
> goes out too much for you to handle, then cancel it. No harm, no foul.

In our Buffalo, NY radio market, I hear numerous ads for Verizon
plugging "it's always on when you need it." At another point in the
hour on the same (Citadel Broadcasting owned) station, listeners were
treated to an ad from Time Warner Cable plugging their services.

While on my lunch break at work, the television station we watch had
an ad for satellite televison services. In clear earshot of our
service manager and IT person, I mutter "I'll be impressed enough with
satellite when I can get high speed, low latency internet service!" I
got a good chuckle out of her!

A coworker of mine groused about Time Warner's high download but low
upload speed of his cable internet service. He lives too far away from
one of the Niagara Falls central offices to have Verizon for DSL.

DSL works for us at home. It works flawlessly for our landlord living
below us in the flat. I like getting these services from a phone
company who understands the concept of having a duty to continuously
provide service.

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