TELECOM Digest OnLine - Sorted: Los Angeles Step by Step - Network Management (Histo

Los Angeles Step by Step - Network Management (Histo
29 Jul 2006 13:35:17 -0700

Early on (1920) the Bell System realized step-by-step would be
inadequate for big city high calling volumes and developed and
implemented panel switching for cities. However, Los Angeles already
had step-by-step when Bell took over.

As Los Angeles/southern California grew in the war years (big defense
aircraft plants, new postwar development), how did they handle the
high volume traffic with step-by-step? Did they run into problems?
SxS switches are limited to a 10x10 pattern and get very unweildy when
it grows beyond that. I could imagine things got messy in the early
1960s before ESS was available. Were some SxS offices upgraded to a
more powerful No 5 crossbar?

The Bell Labs says they considered developing common control senders
as a front-end to SxS, but I didn't understand how far they went with
that. They also did something called a "graded multiple" which
apparently was a big help.

In the early 1950s NYC got network management, a control center for
city wide traffic. It seems the Los Angeles area would need likewise
in the 1950s or early 1960s.


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