Blind bidding
Sunday, April 16, 2006
In telecommunications regulation, a way of conducting a multiple-round
auction for spectrum in which participants know the bids but not the
identities of other bidders. See also anonymous bidding.
The method the Federal Communications Commission will use in a June 29
auction for more than 1,100 wireless licenses that, by one estimate, could
generate $15 billion for the Treasury.
According to game-theory experts consulted by the commission, a
process that makes it more difficult for competitors to tacitly
collude in their bidding by signaling their intentions with
early-round bids.
According to most wireless companies and their industry association,
an unnecessary and risky strategy that will make it harder for bidders
to assess the motives and financial strength of competing bidders.
An issue on which Verizon broke ranks with others in the industry
because of disenchantment with the outcome of past auctions.
The subject of a rare FCC victory for consumer groups.
-- S.P.
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