PricewaterhouseCoopers Presents
The TelecomDirect News Daily Update
For April 7, 2006
The Shifting Broadband Access Market in the U.S.
The latest FCC data reveals a growing penetration of broadband
technologies other than xDSL and cable modem, which continue to
dominate the provision of the country's 42.9 million high-speed
lines at the end of June 2005....
FastWeb Launches ADSL2+
Italy's second-largest broadband provider, FastWeb, has launched ADSL2+
technology, ANSA reports. The technology enables the provider to offer
speeds of up to 20 Mbps download and 1 Mbps upload. The report adds
that the new service is aimed at small companies. The company is also
offering its 'naked DSL' service, FastWeb Easy - designed...
U.S. Report Deals With Global Telecom
WASHINGTON -- The United States took aim at high mobile phone
charges in Germany, Japan, Mexico and Switzerland and sizable
licensing requirements in China in a new report Thursday
detailing barriers American telecommunication companies face in
doing business abroad. ''Barriers in foreign telecommunication
markets negatively impact U.S....
House Subcommittee Revamps IPTV Franchise Bill
A key House of Representatives subcommittee yesterday revamped a
controversial proposed video franchising measure that would
create a national system for telcos to enter Internet Protocol
television (IPTV) activities, yet would allow cablecos more
flexibility in responding to the additional competition. The
initial Republican-pushed...
PayPal Mobile Makes its Debut
PayPal officially took the wraps off its PayPal Mobile service
today at the CTIA Wireless show in Las Vegas. The new SMS-based
payment service has already attracted several high-level
merchants, such as MTV and Fox Home Entertainment. PayPal Mobile
gives PayPal users the ability to make purchases and deliver
payments wirelessly. The...
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