CFP From:
International Association of Engineers (
Journal Engineering Letters (
Call for Papers: The 2006 IAENG International Workshop on Wireless
Networks (IWWN'06)
(Part of The International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer
Scientists IMECS 2006)
20-22 June, 2006, Hong Kong
The IWWN'06 has the focus on some specific issues for wireless LAN,
PAN, sensor networks and ad hoc networks such as efficient management
of energy, the security, the behaviour of different protocols over
these networks, the theoretical and applied study of these networks in
a disconnected and weakly connected operation and
middlewares/agents/proxies based solutions.
This workshop is held as part of the International MultiConference of
Engineers and Computer Scientists 2006. The IMECS 2006 is organized by
the International Association of Engineers (IAENG), and serves as good
platforms for the engineering community members to meet with each
other and to exchange ideas. Extended version of the papers under this
workshop can be included in the special issue of our journal
Engineering Letters. And, further extended version can also be
included in a book called "Current Trends in Wireless Networks" to be
published by IAENG.
The IMECS 2006 multiconference has the focus on the frontier topics in
the theoretical and applied engineering and computer science subjects.
It consists of 14 workshops (see the details at IMECS website: The multiconference serves as good platforms
for the engineering community members of different disciplines to meet
with each other and to exchange ideas. The current conference
committee of the IMECS 2006 includes over 140 workshop co-chairs and
committee members of mainly research center heads, department heads,
professors, research scientists from over 20 countries, while a few of
the committee members are also experienced software development
directors and engineers.
All submitted papers will be under peer review and accepted papers
will be published in the conference proceeding (ISBN:
988-98671-3-3). The abstracts will be indexed and available at major
academic databases. The Technology Research Databases (TRD) of CSA
(Cambridge Scientific Abstracts), DBLP and Computer Science
Bibliographies have promised to index the print proceeding in advance
of its publication. And after the publication of the proceeding, print
copies will also be sent to databases like IEE INSPEC, Engineering
Index (EI) and ISI Thomson Scientific for indexing. The accepted
papers will also be considered for publication in the special issues
of the journal Engineering Letters. Some participants may also be
invited to submit extended version of their conference papers for
considering as book chapters (soon after the conference).
Workshop Co-Chairs:
Chin-Chen Chang
IEEE Fellow, IEE Fellow
Chair Professor in Department of Information Engineering and Computer
Science, Feng Chia University, Taiwan
Chung Shue Chen
Assistant Professor, Department of Information Engineering
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Joy Iong-Zong Chen
Associate professor of Dep. of Communication Engineering
Da Yeh University, Taiwan
Yuh-Shyan Chen
Associate Professor, Co-Editors-in-Chief of International Journal of Ad
Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing (IJAHUC)
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan
I-Shyan Hwang
Associate professor in the Department of Computer Engineering & Science
Yuan-Ze University, Taiwan
Rajgopal Kannan
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science,
Louisiana State University, USA
Phone Lin
Associate Professor, Department Computer Science & Information
Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Dr. Elsa M. Macias Lopez (Chair)
Dept. of Telematic Engineering,
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria University, Spain
Ali Nazari
Research staff member
Fraunhofer IGD, Germany
Ai-Chun Pang
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Information
National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Prof. Vaidy Sunderam (co-chair)
Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of Computer Science,
Dept. of Math & Computer Science, Emory University, USA
Chia-Sheng Tsai
Assistant Professor, EE & CSE College
Tatung University, Taiwan
EC. Yang
Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering
National ChungHsing University, Taiwan
Wei Yen
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Director of Industrial Cooperation Section
Tatung University, Taiwan
Technical papers describing original, previously unpublished research
results are solicited. Specific topics of interest include, but are not
limited to, the following:
Location-based Services and Positioning
Wireless Ad-hoc Networks, MANET
Wireless Broadband Mobile Access
Wireless LAN/PAN
Sensor Network Planning and Deployment
Wireless/mobile networked applications
Interworking heterogeneous wireless/wireline networks
Disconnected and weakly connected operation
Mobile agents Multimedia QoS support & middleware
Proxies and middleware for wireless networks
Performance of end-to-end protocols over wireless networks
Wireless multicasting
T ransport Layer Issues in Mobile and Wireless Networks
Routing in multihop, ad hoc and sensor networks
Congestion and admission control
Wireless network security and privacy
System-level energy management for wireless devices
Prospective authors are invited to submit their draft paper in
abstract format (one page) or in full paper format to
by 12 March, 2006. The submitted file can be in MS Word format, PS
format, or PDF formats.
The first page of the draft paper should include:
= Title of the paper;
= Name, affiliation and e-mail address for each author;
= A maximum of 5 keywords of the paper;
Also, the name of the workshop session that the paper is being
submitted to should be stated in the email.
Important Dates:
Draft Manuscript / Abstract submission deadline: 12 March, 2006
Camera-Ready papers & Pre-registration due: 2 April, 2006
IMECS 2006: 20-22 June, 2006
More details about the IWFE 2006 can be found at: