Limits Set on .com Price Increase |
![]() Mon, 30 Jan 2006 17:57:51 -0600
Deal Places Limits on '.com' Price Hikes By ANICK JESDANUN AP Internet Writer
VeriSign Inc. must meet certain conditions in order to fully raise
The new deal also would prevent VeriSign from ultimately passing on to
The revised accord would end a longstanding legal dispute between the
The new deal follows months of public input and, ICANN general counsel
In a statement, VeriSign called it 'the best efforts of both VeriSign
If approved, both sides would drop lawsuits filed against each other
The most direct change for Internet users involves domain name fees.
Currently, VeriSign charges domain name resellers, called registrars,
The new settlement would limit those increases.
In any two of the next six years, VeriSign could raise fees by up to 7
But that leaves four years in which Verisign could raise rates by 7
With more than 40 million '.com' names in use, a 7 percent increase
The old deal, reached in October, would have allowed VeriSign to raise
Network Solutions and other critics also complained that VeriSign
But Network Solutions did applaud ICANN for prohibiting VeriSign from
Under the old settlement, VeriSign would have collected for ICANN up
Now the company must pay ICANN a lump sum on its own -- $6 million in
The new settlement also makes clear that ICANN isn't immediately
Following complaints that Site Finder broke some Internet tools like
Verisign subsequently sued ICANN, complaining that the agency was
With the settlement, changed little in the revision, ICANN would
The new deal also adds performance benchmarks and privacy protections.
VeriSign still faces two lawsuits over the proposed settlement, and
'It's pretty clear that VeriSign and ICANN are aware of the areas that
Copyright 2006, The Associated Press.
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