Notes to figures on pages 143 and 145. In the original magazine the legends above the pushbuttons are almost readable; but I haven't been able to make them legible in the scanned copy. So here they are: Figure 7, p. 143 TOP ROW - all blank 2nd ROW - NAPR WOOD WINN HAMD LOMB BLUE GARY CHEA CHHS CHRN CHMF CHVB CHIP CHLU CHAR and there is some word under each of these that I can't make out. possibly CONC 3rd ROW - NWYK LOSA KSCY KSCY ST LO INDP MEMP DETR AKRN blank CHGO CHGO MILW COLB BSPO some of these have words underneath. Under the two KSCYs it looks like 1st and 2nd. Something under AKRN. Under the two CHGO buttons it looks like LOCAL C and LOCAL D. Under COLB is something. Under BSPO is SPILL OVER. 4th ROW - WUCHGO PHIL WUNYK blank CHWW CHOD BOSN three blanks CHGO CHGO and three more blanks. Under the two CHGO buttons it looks like LOCAL A and LOCAL B. Figure 10, p. 145 TOP ROW - NAPR WOOD WINN HAMD LOMB BLUE GARY CHEA CHHS CHRN CHMF CHVB CHIP CHLU CHAR and the word that looks like CONC under all these. 2nd ROW - NWYK LOSA KSCY KSCY ST.LO INDP MEMP DETR two blanks CHGO CHGO blank COLB BSPO Under the two KSCY buttons are 1ST and 2ND. Under the two CHGO buttons it looks like LOCAL C and LOCAL D. Under COLB it looks like DAYT, and under BSPO is SPILL OVER. Most of these abbreviations are recognizable as cities. Presumably the CHxx designations are different locations in Chicago, or different departmental offices in the same location in Chicago.