Cable Firms Raise Set-Top Box Rates |
![]() Thu, 05 Jul 2007 12:03:00 -0500
By DEBORAH YAO, AP Business Writer
Cable companies are planning to charge more for set-top boxes to help
They say the price increases are a result of the government's push to
The FCC has been trying for nearly a decade to open up the set-top
As of July 1, cable companies were required by the FCC to start
The companies have lobbied against the rule, saying the new boxes are
And higher rates are definitely coming. Cable industry officials said
Cable operators won't yet say exactly how much more consumers will pay
Both cable trade groups have said consumers would see $2 to $3 more in
Philadelphia-based Comcast Corp., the nation's largest cable operator
The FCC cable card requirement "amounts to an FCC tax of hundreds of
Time Warner Cable Inc. spokesman Alex Dudley said the company agrees
The FCC has said that it's time for cable operators to comply with the
The American Cable Association, which represents 1,100 smaller cable
"It's guaranteed," said Ross Lieberman, vice president of government
He said the increases would likely come when cable operators typically
The cable industry is upset that the FCC on Friday denied its petition
The FCC said Verizon provides needed competition against cable. The
"The commission's 11th-hour action on the many long-standing waiver
But Chris Murray, senior counsel at Consumers Union in Washington,
"They raise rates three times faster than inflation every year, for
Copyright 2007 The Associated Press
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