PricewaterhouseCoopers Presents
The CommunicationsDirect Daily Update
For April 09, 2007
KDDI to Go MVNO in United States
Jiji Press has reported that Japan's KDDI intends to launch an
MVNO operation in the United States, running on the back of the
Sprint-Nextel network. The service will differentiate itself by
offering Japanese language handsets and low-cost calls to Japan with
both postpaid contracts and pre-pay services. Significance: ...
In Your Eye
If a picture is worth a thousand words, how many words is a video
message worth? A startup called Eyejot may help give us the
answer. Seattle-based Eyejot bills its technology, also named
Eyejot, as the first comprehensive client-free online
video-messaging platform for both personal and business
communications. The technology ...
MasterCard: On a Phone Near You
MasterCard launched a free service this week allowing cardholders
to use their cell phones to find the nearest ATMs in the U.S.,
Canada, Australia and much of Europe. The service, called
MasterCard Nearby, also provides branded information such as
merchant locations and directions. 'MasterCard Nearby'
offers a new way for ...
UTC Tells FCC To Take Next Frontline 700 MHz Step
700 MHz hopeful Frontline Wireless LLC got some help from the
Utilities Telecom Council (UTC) in its quest for recognition of
its broadband public-safety plan at the Federal Communications
Commission. In a letter to FCC Secretary Marlene H. Dortch, UTC
President/CEO William R. Moroney asked that Frontline's
proposed service ...
Funding Roundup
Mobile entertainment and media is where the money is in this
week's VC funding round up. Cellfish Media LLC: The New York
City-based producer of ringtones and other mobile content has
added $10 million to its first round of funding, bring its total
haul to $60 million. The company claims it's the largest
funding round to ...
CommunicationsDirect Editor <telecom_direct_editor@us.pwc.com>
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