PricewaterhouseCoopers Presents
The CommunicationsDirect Daily Update
For March 05, 2007
Our new poll: Do you use a mobile handset when you travel abroad?
Visit our web site to vote.
Bringing the Mobile Web to the Masses
Over 20 percent of mobile users want to be able to browse the Web
from their phone, according to Telephia, a San Francisco-based
telecom market research firm. But it's difficult for people
lacking expensive Blackberry-style devices and licensed
enterprise software to easily access Web-based resources from
their handsets. GoWare ...
Deutsche Telekom Plan New Network Unit for 25,000 Staff
Deutsche Telekom wants to create a new unit to handle the
company's telecommunications network and plans to transfer 25,000
existing staff to the new unit, according to a report in the
German magazine,Wirtschafts Woche. The report adds that the new
unit is in addition to the already-announced plan to transfer
50,000 staff into a new ...
Report: Palm Consulting With Investment Bankers on Options --
Including Sale or Purchase
SUNNYVALE, California -- Smart phone maker Palm reportedly is
consulting with investment bankers on its strategic options, ranging
from a sale, an investment by private equity or a purchase of its
own. Beset with growing competition in the cell phone market,
Palm Inc. is discussing its future with bankers at Morgan Stanley,
the ...
FCC Ruling Favors Cable VOIP
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has upheld Time Warner
Cable Inc.'s right to link its VOIP customers to the public
switched telephone network (PSTN) through wholesale phone lines.
The FCC approved a year-old request from Time Warner seeking
interconnection and traffic exchange rights with incumbent local
exchange ...
Sun Updates Java Platforms
Sun Microsystems and 13 other mobile industry companies have
released the next generation of the Java platform for mobile
phones, which will be supported with Mobile Service Architecture
(MSA). Sun also released its newest enterprise-specific Java
platform. The Java Community Process, composed of software
vendors, OEMs and mobile ...
Sonae Loses PT Takeover Vote
The $20 billion hostile bid by Sonae and its 60-percent-owned
SonaeCom subsidiary to take over Portugal Telecom (PT) along with
its cable and broadband subsidiary PT Multimedia (PTM) has hit a
brick wall. PT shareholders, at a crucial extraordinary general
meeting (EGM) Friday, voted against lifting the ban on any entity
owning more than ...
Tech Roundup: Verizon Goes MediFLO
Mobile TV finally arrives in the U.S. -- at least in the Midwest.
Also, WiMax gets smaller, WiBro gets wider, and Star Trek-style
communicator badges go cellular. Switched-on wireless: Verizon
Wireless has launched the first mobile TV service in the
U.S. with eight channels of 24-hour broadcasting in 20 markets
across the country. ...
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